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The Aussie Zombie

Zombie, post-apocalyptic and dystopian books are like shoes - you can never have enough.

Necropolis Rising

Necropolis Rising - Dave Jeffery

Necropolis Rising has some unique points for a zombie book - mad scientists, bio-terrorism, bounty hunters, all in one book - should be any zombiephile's fantasy, right?

Unfortunately the focus of Necropolis Rising, for me, was just a little too Boys Own - heavy on military ops, conspiracy and loyalties that change more often than we change our socks, I spent most of this book either confused or feeling completely disconnected from the characters, who were all far too indistinguishable from each other. I wanted more zombies, and more character development - which is a big ask in such a short book, but Necropolis Rising could have easily accommodated another 50 pages to really pull me into the story.

But this is a well written story - despite multiple POVs, the action is intense and doesn't let up from the first page until the last. The story of Suzie and O'Connell is intriguing and real - this could have been a real heartbreaker with a little bit more flesh.

If you like some wierd science and conspiracy theory in your zombie books, you might want to try Necropolis Rising. But if you're looking to satisfy your zombie craving, this may not be the book for you.

Read more of my reviews at The Aussie Zombie

Source: http://www.theaussiezombie.com/2012/07/review-necropolis-rising-by-dave.html